VolverConvocatoria: EAHC-CALL2013 TENDERS

Datos de la convocatoria

Categoría Proyectos de Investigación > Organismos Públicos > Europeo
Estado de la convocatoria Cerrada Cerrada
Entidad financiadora COMISIÓN EUROPEA
Fecha interna 03/06/2013
Fecha oficial 07/06/2013
Documento adjunto No hay documento adjunto
Resolución provisional Aun no hay resolución provisional
Resolución definitiva Aun no hay resolución definitiva

Plazo de presentación:

Hasta el 7 de junio de 2013.

La Agencia Ejecutiva para la Salud y Consumidores (Executive Agency for Health and Consumers, EAHC) ha publicado las siguientes licitaciones:

o Call for tender n° EAHC/2013/Health/04 concerning empowering patients in the management of chronic diseases.

o Call for tender n° EAHC/2013/Health/05 concerning a Life Table Analysis: health system cost-effectiveness assessments across Europe.

o Call for tender n° EAHC/2013/Health/06 on overview of the national laws on electronic health records in the EU Member States and their interaction with the provision of cross-border eHealth services.

o Call for tender n° EAHC/2013/Health/07 concerning the review and mapping of continuous professional development and lifelong learning for health professionals in the EU.

o Call for tender n° EAHC/2013/Health/08 concerning Effective Recruitment and Retention Strategies for Health Workers.

o Call for tender n° EAHC/2013/Health/09 concerning pilots on early dialogue between health technology assessors and healthcare product developers during the development phase of medicinal products and medical devices.

o Call for tender n° EAHC/2013/Health/11 concerning the provision of an analysis and feasibility assessment regarding EU systems for tracking and tracing of tobacco products and for security features.

o Call for tender n° EAHC/2013/Health/13 concerning a support action on the effective use of European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds for health investments.